Austin + Jazmin | engaged

Happy Monday, friends! 

Can I tell you something? Blogging is kind of tough! Not because it can be a little time consuming or because I dread doing it, but because I want to share my heart with you here. I want to share how amazing the PEOPLE in these images really are, and sometimes I feel a little redundant when I'm writing about that - because I'm so fortunate to be connecting with such incredible people that I could spend a LOT of time raving about! So, I hope you can forgive me for getting a little repetitive in these posts. But I believe that it's a good thing to run out of positive adjectives to describe the people in your life. :) 

With that said, here's Austin and Jazmin - two people I really love spending time with. They're kind, thoughtful, fun, AND THEY HAVE THE CUTEST CORGI PUPPY. Need I say more? But in all seriousness, from Jazmin's first email that was so sweet, to meeting over coffee and bonding over so many things that we all love (i.e. The Office, corgis, marketing, trying new foods, etc.) - I knew we were meant to be friends and I am sincerely thankful to be sharing life with them.