Brent + Emily | engaged

Emily and I met just a few weeks ago to chat about her and Brent's wedding and honestly, I felt like I was meeting with a client for maybe one minute. After that, it was more like sitting down for coffee with an old friend, sharing about life and our passions and how vital it is to stay true to oneself in everything - especially creative endeavors. When she reached out to let me know that they'd decided to allow me to capture their wedding, I did a little happy dance similar to the one that I did while I edited the photos you'll see below... 

Now, I LOVE snow, but I realize not everyone shares the same sentiment. So, when I woke up to a surprise snowfall on the morning of their session, I decided to check in with Emily to make sure that she and Brent were okay with the weather. Her response?

"We will embrace it." 

I thought to myself, "I knew I loved these two!" Because that's so much of what life is about AND what marriage is about. Embracing the good and the bad, and embracing one another especially when things are tough. Brent and Emily are SO MUCH FUN and the best part of their session for me was watching them just BE themselves together in this seriously perfect mixture of love and goofiness - it shows in their images and I LOVE IT. We certainly made the most of the frigid weather on Saturday morning and I have to tell you - these are some of my favorite images to date! 

---> OH and a little note to my photographer friends: when you're checking your light/composition on the LCD screen, DO NOT be tempted to delete images that don't immediately scream, "PERFECT!" It's not about perfection, it's about the moment. I'm learning this more and more with every shutter click - the first image below was the first image I took to check my lighting and it's by no means perfect but it's a moment to remember and it turned out to be one of my favorites!