Scott + Erika | expecting

Snow, baby moccasins, this sweet and hilarious couple, and the crisp glow of that winter sun. It doesn't get much better, in my opinion! I am celebrating BIG TIME with these two as they anticipate their first little one early this summer. Scott is, hands down, one of the most down to earth and adoring husbands I've met and I'm so confident that he'll ease into his new role as a Dad so perfectly. And Erika, where do I even begin? She stepped out of their car in the cutest little heeled booties and had NO ISSUES trekking up a large hill in snow and soggy grass so we could get the best shots - in that moment, I knew we were destined to become friends. Not to mention her contagious laugh and how well she loves Scott. 

I'm so thankful that we connected right at the beginning of this new season of life because I can't tell you enough how much I love watching friends grow as they step into parenthood, and the way it brings new revelations about the way that God loves us AND how it challenges and strengthens their love for one another.

Okay, enough of that before I cry for the tenth time today.... here are some of my favorites from their warm-fuzzy-glowy session that was so fun I can't believe it's my job!