Jordan & Jenna | married

It's difficult for me to find the words to describe Jordan and Jenna's wedding day. It was FULL. Full of love, full of encouragement, full of joy, full of tears, full of laughter, full of Jesus, FULL OF FUN. And it was beautiful - by far, one of the most beautiful days I've ever been a part of. Not because of Jenna's flawless makeup or her amazing custom dress, or Jordan's straight-out-of-GQ suit, or the crazy perfect weather we had. It was because of Jesus. As soon as you meet them, God's hand in their lives and in bringing them together is so very evident - and they're not shy at all about sharing it. I love it! 

When I look back through the images from their day, tears fill my eyes like they did in those very moments. Remembering the overwhelming emotion while their loved ones joined them in worship during the ceremony; the moment that Jenna's father saw her in her dress; the anticipation on Jordan's face as he saw his bride walking down the aisle toward him. Jesus was in every moment and in every moment, he was given the glory. It was beautiful! 

It took me FOREVER to narrow down my favorites from this day, so here are just a few... 

Nate, Melinda, + Jude | family

If you've ever found yourself reading through my blog before, it will come as no surprise to you that I was pretty excited when Melinda reached out to me for some family photos! We connected through her sister, Jenna, whose wedding I had the honor of capturing just a few weeks ago (be on the lookout for a blog post very soon!). In the short time that I spent with Nate, Melinda, and (future model) Jude, I grew to love them. I mean that - and it's challenged me to be a little extra honest with you, my reader (Realistically, "you" are probably my mom  and/or dad ... and a few close friends who are AWESOME and support me always. Thanks guys!) here's something personal:


Life is really precious. We all know it, we've experienced its fragility in one way or another and have been reminded in loss and in plenty that every moment we have is a treasure not to be taken lightly. And I also think we all know how easy it is for those truths to get lost in the shuffle and busy-ness of everyday life. Over the past few weeks, I've had the honor of meeting so many beautiful families, all at different stages in life. And I want to share something kind of embarrassing with you: I cried as I went through every set of photos. This is 100% true - just ask my husband, he loves it! ...jk, I think it's somewhat traumatizing for him to come home to me weeping in front of my computer screen almost every day. But the reason that I'm sharing this with you is because it's been a reminder of how thankful I am for life - and how thankful I am that people actually choose me to capture pieces of theirs. 

I also want to tell you that when I spend time with you, I'm not just thinking about taking your photos and I'm definitely not thinking about what time it is or how long we have left in the session. So what am I thinking about? I'm thinking about how overjoyed I am that you trusted me to capture some of what makes YOUR life so very precious. I'm thinking about the importance of what I'm doing - that it's not just for sharing to social media or for Christmas cards, but for capturing a season of your life that might be filled with struggles, triumphs, pain, loss, joy and leaving you with something tangible to remember it by when you look back and reflect after years have passed and you may have forgotten all about it... I'm thinking about the honor it is to get to know you and your family. I'm thinking about God's hand in your life and how he has orchestrated every moment of your story. 

I'm thinking about how God SEES you and at the same time, I am praying that he'll give me the eyes to see you the way that he does. And while I'm thinking about how much God LOVES you, I'm also praying that he will fill my heart with the love that he has for you. My friend, when you ask God to do something like this, HE DOES IT. 

And finally, I want to tell you that no matter what you're in the midst of right now, your story - YOUR LIFE - is so valuable. God says so, so I know it to be true. Those moments, both ugly and beautiful, are valuable and they are worthy of capturing. When we share our stories, they can bring hope, encouragement, and even healing to those around us. Life is short, the memories swirl faster and faster as we get older. Take the pictures, treasure the moments - the generations of your family and loved ones who come after you will treasure them, too. And I promise you won't regret it. 



Kevin, Kari, Peyton, + Lundi | family

Sitting here trying to figure out a way to sum up my time with the beautiful family below and... I honestly can't. It was wonderful, sweet, fun, full of love and the best kind of silliness, and completely genuine. 

Josh & Amy | husband & wife

Marriage is beautiful. Marriage is hard. And it's one of those things that you can *think* you understand but until you've found yourself deep within it, you really don't. It brings joy like nothing else you've likely experienced before and at the same time, you'll have moments when your heart just aches in ways you didn't know it could. It reveals how ugly and selfish and heavily burdened humans can be. It challenges us to be patient, to be gracious, to love unconditionally, and to forgive in the same way that Christ forgave first. It brings out the worst, but it also brings out the best. 

Why am I sharing all of this? Because I was reminded of it this evening while I wandered through Creation with two of my dearest friends, who also happen to be husband and wife. Doing life together is weird and wonderful all at once. Sometimes you're together and everyone cries, and sometimes everyone laughs, and sometimes everyone has nothing to say. But you're there, together, doing your best to tackle life's brightest and darkest moments. That's what I [we] share with Josh and Amy, and as I reflect back on the past few years that we've all spent together in friendship, my heart swells in the best way. Strife, frustration, hurt - those things aren't lost on them. But they're here, showing up every day, doing the work to LOVE FIERCELY. No matter what. 

That's marriage. That's relationship.
And that's what I love, love, love about these kinds of moments and the honor that it is for me to share in them. 

Carson & Jen | married

A sweet backyard wedding with an even sweeter couple. 

Carson & Jen,  
your day was so incredibly YOU. Full of love, full of joy, and just the right blend of silly and serious. 
I could not have imagined a more perfect celebration as you joined your lives together in dedication to Christ.